
We are a group of Christians

gathered.  We believe that every person is made in the image of God–beautiful, unique and beloved.  The Baptismal Covenant is part of the fabric of our lives together. In that spirit, we seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves. We are a community of advocates who strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.

Our lives are made rich by the people in our congregations and in our communities, including those of other faiths and belief systems, orientations, ethnicities, and identifications. Our message to you is simple, but heartfelt:  God Loves You. No Exceptions.(tm)

The Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan covers the entire Upper Peninsula of  Michigan, an area of roughly 16,377 square miles.  Headquartered in Marquette, it reaches from Copper Harbor in the far north in Menominee in the south, and from Ironwood in the west to Drummond Island in the east.  

We acknowledge the sacred land where we work, live, teach, learn, and build community. This land is the territory of the Anishinaabe people. We recognize the repeated violations of sovereignty, territory, and water perpetrated by European and other settlers that have impacted the original inhabitants of this land. We extend our respect to citizens of these First Nations People who live here and their ancestors who have lived here for over five hundred generations, and to all Indigenous people. We also know that this acknowledgement is insufficient. It does not undo the harm that has been done and continues to be perpetrated now against Indigenous people, their land, air and water.