We are here to worship God and love our neighbor, even those we have not yet met.
Our Flavor
In style and practice, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is three things: intentionally collaborative, liturgical, and innovative.
Intentionally collaborative describes the essence of our Mutual Ministry model wherein all of us are the ministers and all leaders come from the congregation, having been identified, trained and empowered locally.
Liturgical means that we embrace ritual as our worship style. With written prayers, music, candles, gestures, preaching and gathering at table, we extend ourselves to God.
Innovative means that we take that which has existed in the past and move it forward into new expressions.
Our Focus
Abundant Welcome: What is God doing in the world? You are what God is doing in the world. Come join us and we will live together into an unfolding vision.
Inclusivity: Embracing the dignity of every human being, we aim to include all in our community. This means offering a place of belonging to those who have been marginalized and excluded.
Neighborhood and Community Partnerships: The church is as much about what is happening beyond these walls as it is about what happens within these walls. Let’s see what that can look like.
Leadership Team
Jan Edwards, Vestry:
Bob Potrzuski, Vestry:
Marna Franson, Missioner: marna@upepiscopal.org
Sierra Larson, Administrator: stpaulschurch201@gmail.com