UP Wild to Hold a Nature Hike and Organizational Meeting in the Keweenaw
Popular Upper Peninsula Faith Community is Looking to Create a Branch in the Copper Country
The Nature Hike will take place on Saturday, October 8, 2022, at 1:00 PM at the Gardener’s Creek Trailhead across from the Calumet Township Park on Lakeshore Drive. The hike will be followed by a Prayer Service and Potluck Dinner at 5:00 PM in Trinity Episcopal Church located at 205 East Montezuma Ave in Houghton.
On Saturday, October 8, residents of the Keweenaw Peninsula will gather in Calumet and Houghton to seek the sacred in nature, to celebrate the awesome beauty of Northern Michigan, and to form a new branch of UP Wild Church. The day will begin with a nature hike to Gardener’s Falls in Calumet. Later, participants will meet at Trinity Episcopal Church for a nature prayer service, a potluck meal and to discuss the future of UP Wild in the Copper Country.
A UP Wild nature hike and nature prayer service are gatherings for those who seek to find the sacred in the natural world. It is for people who want to create a stronger connection with the wilderness and the divine. There will be sacred readings, Scripture, a walking out into nature, and prayers of the people. Afterwards, attendees will enjoy a hot cup of tea, food and conversation with like-minded people.
UP Wild has been conducting prayer services around the Central Upper Peninsula for some time now. It has a branch in Delta County and another in the organizational process in Eastern Upper Michigan. It also offers services on the campus of Northern Michigan University. No matter where you attend, people can expect a positive, communal experience in which people share their observations and reactions with one another. That sense of community is a big part of the appeal of UP Wild events and should not be missed.
Saturday’s Service will begin at 1:00 PM at the Gardener’s Creek Trailhead on Lakeshore Drive. The afternoon service and organizational meeting will begin at 5:00 at Trinity Episcopal Church in Houghton. UP Wild services generally last from 45 minutes to an hour, but people frequently linger much longer. Everyone, regardless of faith tradition, is welcome.
U.P. Wild is a cross-denomination non-profit organization which fosters deeper connections with the Creator through outdoor prayer services, hikes, and exploration of our Great Lakes bioregion. It receives financial support from the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan and the ECLA Lutheran Churches of Upper Michigan.
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