Mutual Ministry Documents

The following documents have accumulated over three decades of Mutual Ministry in the Diocese of Northern Michigan. They are most often presented in the context of an orientation to or discussion about Mutual Ministry, and often with people who have come to the diocese to learn more about us. So, please keep in this in mind when consuming the information.

Most often when there are questions that these documents cannot answer, the suggestion to the reader is, “Come to the diocese for a visit!”



A Celebration of Smallness by Samuel Wylie

The Dream by Wes Frensdorff

Article: Local Collaborative Ministry by Jim Kelsey and Tom Ray

Some Recent Changes in the Canons of the Diocese of Northern Michigan

The Theology of Mutual Ministry

Some Reflections of a Missioner

Ministry Support Teams: Some Roles

Articles: Ministry of All the Baptized

Article: Captivity of the Sacraments

Article: Liberating the Baptized

Article: Resolving Conflict When No One’s in Charge

Trinity Church, Gladstone from “The Backpage” of Episcopal Life

Case Study of Trinity, Gladstone from the United Theological Seminary

LifeCycles: An Integral Approach